Concept, experience design,co-development: Krisztián Kolesár

Architectural concepts and co-development: Zsolt Alexa, Donát Rabb, Ákos Schreck, Ivett Tarr, Ferenc Kis

Concert Space and Ambient Marketing Tool in One

Attracting new audiences requires great marketing efforts. But what if the concert space is its own marketing tool? What if the concert is not happening in a hidden room inside of a building, but right in the middle of a street? What if this pop-up room is portable and can be transported to festivals, into nature or to developing areas?

We are designing a portable space that gives you a 100% AURA Concert experience, anywhere. We are at the beginning of a design process to find a perfect and cost-effective size and shape.


Zsolt Alexa, Donát Rabb, Ákos Schreck, Ivett Tarr, Ferenc Kis
