A family-friendly movie theater that is truly tailored to the needs of the children and their parents. The view is guaranteed for everyone from the elevated the cinema chairs and boxes, but one can get even closer to the screen if chooses the upholstered recliners or poufs. The backlit and recessed lighting gives a soft light during the screenings, so the smallest ones won’t be afraid. Vivid and pastel colors, soft textile surfaces, rounded shapes, curves, waves, circles, fun designs: the interior design motifs of the screening room infuse the foyer and the dedicated washroom as well. The projection does not stop on the cinema screen: it extends to the walls and floor, so the film literally surrounds the spectators.



For this cinema screening room, we chose the pixel, the basic visual unit of the digital world, as the most prominent element of the interior design concept. The tiny pixels, that form the image and motion picture on the projection screen and their grid are enlarged and projected onto the other surfaces of the room and leave an impression on them. By increasing the size of the pixel unit to a human scale, the large room seems to grow even more. Entering it, one would find a gigantic three-dimensional grid surrounding. The overwhelming spatial experience is further enhanced by the programmable LED lighting system, that can adjust the color harmony of the room to the shown film.


Zsolt Alexa, Donát Rabb, Ákos Schreck, Tímea Molnár, Henriett Gelányi, Richárd Zoltán Szarvas


Lighting Techniques: Dániel Besnyő, Zoltán Czingáli, Gergő Geltz




Budapest, Hungary
