The exhibition installation is organized by two concepts, that are closely associated with each other and the exhibition material – the works of György Kepes and J. Frank Malina experimenting with light.
The first is the route through the museum spaces, edited according to the principle of refractions and reflections of light, which also determines the placement of the installations and furnitures. The continuous row of podests of the initial concept would have been perceived by the visitors as a line of images, appearing as light-spots in the dark spaces. According to the needs of the exhibited works and the curatorial concept in the end the placement of the furnitures and installation walls draw the line of the reflected light beam in the exhibition spaces. The furnitures with open ends and illuminating inner enhance this effect.
The colouring concept of the spaces is a response to the different properties of the works and their lighting needs. The exhibition rooms became parts of an darkening row of spaces, adjusted to the artworks. From the light gray rooms of Kepes’ photogramms visitors may approach the black spaces of Malina’s lumidyne images. The central hall, which is the space of the artistic connections, implements this light-dark transition within itself.
The pictures are lit everywhere by means of local illumination, matching the atmosphere of the darkening rooms. In contrast, documents related to the exhibited works are placed in a room with natural light, providing a pleasant environment for reading the documents and books.